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Showing posts with the label Flyer Design


What is a company profile? Have you ever thought about the relationship between a company profile and Curriculum vitae? Do you know why 20 years of child education is usually put in a page or two in something called a CV?  I know that's one of the documents you so esteem and think about, especially when you are thinking about upgrading or changing jobs, Isn't it? That is what a company profile is to a business. Curriculum vitae and Company profile? Yes. It's normally said that when you get the client's attention, half of the battle is half won. Company profiles allow you to do exactly that. No matter if you are working on a start-up or you have been around the block for some years, you need to write down all your company progress on your corporation profile to ensure people get a glimpse of what your business is about. It would take a lot of time to keep explaining what your business deals with compared to sharing a few pages of documents with clear illu

How to get the right flyer and Poster designs for your business.

Importance of Flyers in a Business Promoting a business is a key element in putting across the benefits of your product or service to the customers. Well-designed flyers for marketing and promotional strategies ensure long-term success, bring in more customers, and ensure profitability for your business. A few years ago I met this guy Mike, He has been struggling to find the right designer who will really understand his business.  Mike started small. So, He needed a designer that he can grow with. Like a designer who would create really good quality work and at the same time meet his budgeting needs. Searching for the right Graphic designer I can assure you, to get the right person sometimes takes a long time, For example, Mike would get an urgent tender application and realize He forgot to design a Letterhead, or when people ask for his business card and he had to keep on writing his telephone number on a piece of paper. That really sucked. You will agree with me those things really