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How to get the right flyer and Poster designs for your business.

customer care flyer design

Importance of Flyers in a Business

Promoting a business is a key element in putting across the benefits of your product or service to the customers. Well-designed flyers for marketing and promotional strategies ensure long-term success, bring in more customers, and ensure profitability for your business.

A few years ago I met this guy Mike, He has been struggling to find the right designer who will really understand his business.  Mike started small. So, He needed a designer that he can grow with. Like a designer who would create really good quality work and at the same time meet his budgeting needs.

Searching for the right Graphic designer

I can assure you, to get the right person sometimes takes a long time, For example, Mike would get an urgent tender application and realize He forgot to design a Letterhead, or when people ask for his business card and he had to keep on writing his telephone number on a piece of paper. That really sucked.

You will agree with me those things really make you feel small and they also give you a bad picture to your potential client, because most of them look at you like you don’t know what you are doing. The majority of the designers Mike was referred to were expensive and unreliable.
After a while, at a marketing seminar, a friend introduced me to Mike. He told me all his worries, We exchanged contacts, and that was it.

A few weeks later Mike's friend received this job and since he was engaged with other business activities and they used to do similar business, He gave out his contacts. You know all the excitement of getting a contract with a big institution. He needed to do so many things and at the same time do them right. He also didn’t want to go ahead with the business without a good Logo, a Clean Letterhead, Branded agreement, a Business card, and staff.

Mike contacted me and I helped him where I could, Our partnership has continued for four years now. He has never struggled again with anything that is related to graphic design. His car hire business is doing good too.

Nobody needs to struggle, and including you, that's I am so EXCITED to give you some great news too!

Imagine all the images on your Website and Instagram with your Business brand signatures. And not just that, even all your social media handles being linked by a Logo and branding colors. Isn’t that beautiful?

Give your business a new look this year! It will be amazing, trust me.
Contact me on Upwork or on my email and I will help you with all your designing work. I know you are wondering where you can find my design samples, don't worry you can check my Behance profile. or visit Upwork or Fiverr. You will also see some of the reviews and ratings from those platforms.

See, you need to keep your Instagram profile professional and any other social media profile because they're tools that market your business out to the public.

What I will be doing basically is helping you design all your branding packages like the content for your social media accounts e.g. Profile pictures, Facebook Poster, Instagram Designs, logos for your business, Flyers, Brochures, and many more. 

I know you may not need these services at the moment, and its okay, but remember your clients, followers, and your audience needs new content every now and then, maybe to let them know that your business has some new offers or even to make them aware of a new product and services. 
So, at least now you have a guy you can contact. If you need any other services without struggling sign up at Fiverr and there are thousands of Freelances with all types of skills.

Find that one guy and grow along together in your business. Instead of getting different people all the time. He/she doesn’t have to be a graphic designer. This will helps them understand your business better and you don't have to explain yourself all the time.